Wednesday 21 May 2008

Trinity Mirror's CEO: BBC must not be allowed to distort embryonic online markets of the regional press

I agree with the comments by Trinity Mirror's Sly Bailey about being careful of allowing the BBC to steamroll into the online regional newspaper scene.

I've written about this before but I think it's a very important issue at the momment in the regional newspaper world, and it's good to know the issue is being disccused at the highest levels.

Just about every traditional news organisation is struggling to make serious money from their online offerings.

If the BBC is allowed a free reign in the 'hyper-local' market - without the financial restrictions and demands other businesses face - newspaper companies should seriously suffer.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not against competition at all - let the best man win every time - but you cannot compete with the BBC as they are not working to the same business model.

And as Sly Bailey explains, it is vitally important there is an alternative to news from the BBC "if we believe in a plurality of voice".

I think everyone, including those from the BBC, would agree with this statement.

Here's the link to the story on :: BBC must not be allowed to distort embryonic online markets of the regional press, says Trinity Mirror CEO

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